European urban growth: concepts, trends and a comparative framework for the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile


  • Rodrigo Hidalgo Instituto de Geografía
  • Axel Borsdorf Universidad de Insbruck



metropolitan transformations, models of urban development, policentrality, postsuburb, amenity migration


Based on the urban development in Europe, this paper includes conceptual deliberations on the main processes which have affected both the morphology and structure of cities and it also interprets in broad terms the evolution of the Latin American city up to the modern times. On the basis of the transformations occurred in Santiago of Chile over the last decades, this study aims to draw a comparison with the theoretical framework set for the European reality.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo, R., & Borsdorf, A. (2009). European urban growth: concepts, trends and a comparative framework for the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile. Estudios Geográficos, 70(266), 181–203.


