Las trabajadoras extranjeras en la España mediterránea. La perspectiva empresarial


  • Vicente Gozálvez Pérez



Foreign immigration, foreign workers, companies’ opinions about immigrants, Mediterranean Spain


The introduction incorporates the current geographical features of the presence of immigrants in Spain: the sharp recent increase (in 2006 they constitute 8.7% of the population), the transformation of Spain into a crossroads of immigration from all continents and the uneven territorial distribution of immigrants, corresponding to the most economically developed parts of Spain. Secondly, the need to increase knowledge about foreign women in Spain is justified: by their number, family regrouping, and the increase of their birth-rate in Spain ... and above all as workers. For this reason, the main results of a study carried out on 304 African women and 330 Latin-American women living in Spain are shown. The third paragraph shows the results of another study carried out in the same region on 77 companies and business organisations that employ women immigrants: the companies questioned show a wide range of opinions on their motives for employing immigrants, on the characteristics of these workers and on the repercussions on the economic sector or on the businessman, if this workforce disappeared.


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How to Cite

Gozálvez Pérez, V. (2006). Las trabajadoras extranjeras en la España mediterránea. La perspectiva empresarial. Estudios Geográficos, 67(261), 523–547.




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