The urban landscape


  • Javier Maderuelo E. T. S. de Arquitectura y Geodesia, Universidad de Alcalá



urban landscape, city, history, culture, art


Starting from the idea of landscape as cultural «constructo», it is possible to analyse the different ways the city has been seen and interpreted in every period in the West, which illustrates the slow process in our culture to shape the concept of «urban landscape». In this sense, drawings, cartography, paintings, literary narrations, illustrations, photography and other cultural demonstrations, the architecture also, are the tools that allow us to realise this investigation. In that process, it has been passed from an anthropomorphic vision of the city, during the Renaissance, to a scenographic interpretation, during the Baroque period, that, very slowly it has been deriving, because the painters, in a landscapist vision of the city. However, when it seemed that this process was completed, the implicit trivialization into the process of globalisation put at risk this possibility.


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How to Cite

Maderuelo, J. (2010). The urban landscape. Estudios Geográficos, 71(269), 575–600.


