The Landscape of Public Works


  • Miguel Aguiló E. T. S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



landscape, perception, to build, action, public works


Perception is the particular filter in the special relationship between the individual and the world that is the landscape. This relationship is defined, with Bergson, as a selection of stimuli for the action instead of a mere view. And the double role of landscape is clearly drawn, as record of man’s activity and mediator in his real relationship with the surrounding world. Assuming the Heidegger’s assertion that «to build is to inhabit», public works reveals his essential role in both aspects. Public works satisfy primary needs of man, as to extend, raise, cross, provide, shelter or live together and so they show their more profound sense. As building products, the road, the tower, the bridge, the dam, the harbor or the town help to understand the previous ways of struggle against nature. As well known guidelines for the action, they help to activate our resources in the daily contact with the world. Public Works should be better studied to deal with landscape.


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How to Cite

Aguiló, M. (2010). The Landscape of Public Works. Estudios Geográficos, 71(269), 601–632.


