The power of maps


  • Rodolfo Núñez de las Cuevas Catedrático jubilado de la UPM y ex Director General del IGN



Jovellanos, Luis XIV, Felipe V, Malaspina, Napoleón, Magallanes, cartography, power, secret, informatión, geopolitics, propaganda, manipulation, desinformation, frontiers, satellite, Padrón Real, Depósito de la Guerra, Instituto Geográfico, Army Map Service


Maps are a great collector of information in today’s society. Good cartography is indispensable in order to carry out just about any type of activity. Although, nowadays, the value of maps is recognized, for centuries only a few illustrious minds have appreciated their real value. This paper traces the significance of maps in different aspects of the official cartography and their importance in the sociopolitical dimension of power. In present times, new cartographical representation techniques offer the possibility to create new types of maps, updating obsolete cartography and improving the knowledge of territory.


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How to Cite

Núñez de las Cuevas, R. (2012). The power of maps. Estudios Geográficos, 73(273), 581–598.


