Standardized precipitation index (SPI) for meteorological drought characterization in the Dagua river basin-Colombia


  • Wilmar Loaiza Cerón Universidad del Valle, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical-CIAT
  • Yesid Carvajal Escobar Universidad del Valle
  • Olga Lucia Baquero Montoya Universidad del Valle



standardized precipitation index, El Niño, drought, climate variability


The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) characterizes meteorological droughts of a place, by quantifying the deficit of rainfall in different time periods. Negative SPI values represents drought, while positive values indicate wet periods. The results suggest that negative SPI periods coincide with El Niño years: 82-83, 91-92 and 97-98. The 91-92 event had the largest impact on the region. These results indicate that the most severe droughts in the basin of Dagua, were presented at the quarters of Dec- Jan-Feb, Jan-Feb-Mar, Jun-Jul-Aug and Jul-Aug-Sep. The results have been obtained with geostatistical techniques, and are a basic input to formulate adaptation strategies and ensure food sovereignty of small farmers against drought.


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How to Cite

Loaiza Cerón, W., Carvajal Escobar, Y., & Baquero Montoya, O. L. (2015). Standardized precipitation index (SPI) for meteorological drought characterization in the Dagua river basin-Colombia. Estudios Geográficos, 76(279), 557–578.


