Model for determining the load or carrying capacity of rivers and riverbanks for recreational use


  • I. Otero
  • A. Ezquerra
  • M. Navarra
  • P. Sendra



assessment of tourism and recreational use, riverbanks, carrying capacity, recreation tourism, linear weighted sum


The aim of this article is to determine the load or functional carrying capacity for the assimilation and recovery of rivers and riverbanks by compiling information on the environment, and to assess the potential for recreation from the environmental and scenic point of view. We set out to find the most significant basis for analysing the pressures limiting carrying capacity and constraining the demand for recreational use. This methodology will help planners and legislators in their decision-making. We also propose a methodology for assessing the recreational use of riverbanks, tested in a number of sites in the Madrid Region, in terms of the satisfaction the activity produces in the users, and the load or carrying capacity of the surrounding environment. A pilot site assessment is presented as a validation of the proposed methodology.


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How to Cite

Otero, I., Ezquerra, A., Navarra, M., & Sendra, P. (2015). Model for determining the load or carrying capacity of rivers and riverbanks for recreational use. Estudios Geográficos, 76(279), 633–670.


