Space location of the ethnic business in Almería Ethnic enclave economy formation?


  • Ángeles Arjona Garrido Universidad de Almería
  • Juan Carlos Checa Olmos Universidad de Almería



Ethnic economy, context of reception, ethnic enclave economy


In Almeria it’s frequently common for businesses to be run by immigrants. They have created an economical system that has been changing the city’s scenery. This is due to the previously mentioned concentration of different communities within certain areas. The installation of their businesses has been assumedly due to a responsive demand in products that haven’t been satisfied within the autochthonous trade; therefore it symbolizes the search of employment alternatives to the segmentation of the labour market.

The installation of businesses can be observed in different situations; the general framework we talk about is of the appearance of ethnic economy and from this starting point we analyse the middleman minorities, the entrepreneur of enclave or the ethnic enclave economy. In this paper, with the assistance of graphical representations of maps from the different cities of the province, we outline if these business groups have the sufficient training for ethnical economy enclaves.


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How to Cite

Arjona Garrido, Ángeles, & Checa Olmos, J. C. (2007). Space location of the ethnic business in Almería Ethnic enclave economy formation?. Estudios Geográficos, 68(263), 391–415.


