The plan of overspill area of Madrid in Castilla-La Mancha: A geographical reflection


  • Luis Alfonso Escudero Gómez Departamento de Geografía y ordenación de Territorio-Universidad Castilla-La Mancha. Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo
  • Emilio José Gómez Gutiérrez Departamento de Geografía y ordenación de Territorio-Universidad Castilla-La Mancha. Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo



Planning, overspill area, industrial estate, housing estate, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha


The Plan of overspill area of Madrid (1959) responded to the need to fight the process of population and economic concentration of the cápital in the half of last century. The plan established a series of industrial and housing estates in Castilian population centre that would reorient the Madrilenian growth towards their periphery. The majority of them, five, they were placed in the present Castilla-La Mancha. Nevertheless, the evolution of these industrial and housing estates did not respond to the plan, neither in the industrial neither in the residential settlement. By the end of 80´s the degradation of the industrial estates was high, but they were reserves of building land to the wait of a moment of reactivation. With the recent regional and urban development, and in different scale according to the towns, they were modified in business parks and in peripheral spaces in growth. They form singular units inside the urban structure of Alcazar de San Juan, Guadalajara, Manzanares and Toledo.


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How to Cite

Escudero Gómez, L. A., & Gómez Gutiérrez, E. J. (2007). The plan of overspill area of Madrid in Castilla-La Mancha: A geographical reflection. Estudios Geográficos, 68(263), 497–526.


