Analysis of the space-temporal patterns of events from Twitter data: the case of Madrid 2017 World Pride




mega-events, social network, hot spots, GIS, digital footprint, space-time footprint


This work analyses the spatio-temporal patterns of a mass event in a city from new data sources, starting from the hypothesis that crowds register high activity in social networks during the event programs. Identifying users who have posted geolocated tweets in the centre of Madrid during the 2017 World Pride, their origin cities and countries can be located, and the impact of the event at a space-time level can be evaluated from the comparison with the observed results during a regular week. The obtained results show a growth in the number of foreign users and a strong increase in activity in the main areas of the event, while activity in the more remote areas decreases.


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How to Cite

Osorio Arjona, J. (2020). Analysis of the space-temporal patterns of events from Twitter data: the case of Madrid 2017 World Pride. Estudios Geográficos, 81(288), e032.


