Heat waves in urban and suburban Madrid


  • F. Fernández García Grupo de investigación GEOCLIMA. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • D. Rasilla Álvarez Universidad de Cantabria




Extreme warm events, urban heat island, land use, cooling degree day (CDD), Madrid (Spain)


The frequency and duration of the warmest temperature episodes, a common phenomenon under the continental Mediterranean conditions of the Spanish Southern Meseta, has increased in the Madrid area since the 80´s, although their magnitude remains unchanged. The effect of the urban environment on those extreme events has exacerbated the heat load due to the persistence of the high temperatures along the night time hours. Nevertheless, the diversity of the urban morphology introduces a spatial variability on the strength of this nocturnal heat load, aggravating it in the densely urbanized areas and mitigating it in the vicinities of the green areas.


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How to Cite

Fernández García, F., & Rasilla Álvarez, D. (2008). Heat waves in urban and suburban Madrid. Estudios Geográficos, 69(265), 495–518. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.0440


