Conceptual and theoretical reflections on the Agency-Structure binary from a human environment Geography perspective
social theory, political ecology, hazards geography, nature-society interactions, water geographies, human geographyAbstract
Debates over the primacy of agency and structure in determining human actions and the constitution of societies has, for centuries, pervaded the social sciences in general and geography in particular. The human-environment geography branch has also had an important –yet more recent– history of debates about the role that broader social forces and/or individual self-determination play in conditioning nature-society relations. While both stances were treated disjointly within academic spheres for a long time, recently there have been more integrative perspectives of agency and structure that promise to strengthen the theoretical and conceptual foundations that, in turn, can lead to a better understanding of nature-society dynamics. In this article, we first review separately some of these perspectives on agency and structure from within the human-environment geography viewpoint, particularly water and risk-hazards geography. We then introduce some empirical and theoretical-conceptual contributions that lead towards a better articulation of these two stances. The purpose of this review is to advance discussions on how to improve conceptualizations and theorizations on the complex relations between society and nature within a context of pressing social-ecological challenges that we face as a global society.
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