Multicriteria geoenvironmental analysis of Ibagué´s beld landscape, Colombia, through determination of geosystems, geofacies and geotopos
Bertrand, agrarian geography, biogeography, rural sustainability, landscape ecology, livestock landscapeAbstract
A methodology for the multicriteria geoenvironmental analysis of a landscape at different scales is proposed, based on previous studies and the biogeographic and socioecological survey of the Ibagué beld geosystem, the hill geofacies (located in this geosystem), and two geotopos (livestock and tourist) inscribed in the hill geofacies (located in the “Cerros de Gualanday”). The method used integrates four strategies: geographically, the ecological approach of George Bertrand’s GTP system; in the biogeographic, the “BioBlitz” technique of flora and fauna surveys; in the socioecological area, the systematization of in-depth interviews to peasants; statistically, the multicriteria analysis of biophysical and multiscale variables. The relevant result is the formulation of a “geoenvironmental multicriteria indicator” (IM), which offers a synthesis of the previous geoenvironmental information, allowing multiscale contrasting of the different degrees of environmental impact on the fan landscape. This methodology could support environmental and territorial planning policy guidelines at the county level.
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