Polylepis tarapacana forests in Maure basin, southern Peru. Opportunities for its conservation





Polylepis, remote sensing, cover, conservation, morphometry, natural protected areas


Despite the importance of Polylepis forests for biodiversity and the environmental services provision in the southern Peruvian Altiplano (Tacna department), there is no updated scientific information to support effective conservation activities. Through remote sensing techniques the surface of Polylepis tarapacana forests in the Maure basin has been mapped and the main environmental factors were evaluated. The forest area obtained was compared with environmental factors such as altitude, climate, orientation and topographic protection. Unlike other Polylepis forests, the dominant orientation of Polylepis tarapacana patches is N-NE-E, exposed to solar insolation before the noon, and developing in areas with low morphometric protection and negative topographical wetness index (low probabilities to meet with shallow groundwater tables). 56,66% of the area obtained intercepts the Polylepis polygon of the 2018 National Map of Ecosystems of Peru, 30,12% is under regional conservation modality and 74,49% is located within the territories of six rural communities. This research generates a more precise forest polygon than those currently available, and allows the evaluation of alternatives for its protection. The expansion of the Regional Conservation Area Vilacota - Maure emerges as the best option to ensure the preservation of this forest, since it ensures the protection of almost all of the identified area.


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How to Cite

Franco, P. ., Cáceres, C. ., Navarro, M. ., Jove, C. ., Ignacio, J. ., & Oyague, E. . (2021). Polylepis tarapacana forests in Maure basin, southern Peru. Opportunities for its conservation. Estudios Geográficos, 82(290), e059. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.202071.071


