Flood risk assessment in the local context of adaptation to climate change. The case of the island of Tenerife





risk analysis, flood, Canary Islands


This research studies risk assessment as an adaptation strategy to climate change. To do this, a risk analysis methodology has been developed at the cadastral parcel level in one of the main tourist areas of both the Canary Islands and Spain, the coast of Arona and Adeje. The method based on the approaches of the United Nations Office for Disaster Relief (UNDRO) and applied for floods, has made it possible to define precisely the factors involved in the formulation of risk. The use of the incident records of the Coordinating Center for Emergencies and Security (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Canary Islands Government, as well as other official sources, has allowed the threat to be characterized. Similarly, for the study of vulnerability, a resulting index between 0 and 1 has been used, derived from the crossing of multiple socio-territorial indicators. The results show how the studied areas have 52.4% of the plots with risk levels between “Moderate” and “Very High”, highlighting the towns of Torviscas, Las Américas and Los Cristianos. Finally, the result of the risk analysis is presented through a flood risk mapping, ultimately designed as an adaptation tool for future decision-making by the different local administrations.


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How to Cite

López Díez, A. ., Díaz Pacheco, J. ., Dorta Antequera, P. ., & Máyer Suárez, P. . (2021). Flood risk assessment in the local context of adaptation to climate change. The case of the island of Tenerife. Estudios Geográficos, 82(291), e079. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.202190.090




Funding data

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers ProId201710027