Land cover changes in the NW spanish coastal zone: Drivers and impact on ecosystem services




land take, SIOSE, socioeconomic indicators, artificialization rates, littoralization, land take patterns, ecosystem services


The increase in the amount of agricultural, forest and other seminatural and natural land taken by urban and other artificial land development is of worldwide concern. Land take is generally more intense in littoral zones, which in turn are especially vulnerable. In this study, the artificialization patterns of the Galician coast (NW Spain) were assessed using the high-resolution land cover map SIOSE. Land take between 2005 and 2014 was monitored, changes in land cover patterns were analysed and their impact on ecosystem services was assessed. The artificialization rate in the coastal municipalities in that period was 1.07 ha day-1, being particularly intense in the first four years, with a value of 2.05 ha day-1. Land take mainly occurred at the expense of forest and seminatural classes. Consequently, potential services provided by ecosystems were affected; particularly provisioning services which decreased at a 0.35% annual rate.

The relationship between artificialization rates and demographic and economic variables were also analysed, resulting in a different significant correlation between population, new buildings and domestic gross disposable income among the studied zones.


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How to Cite

Ovejero Campos, A. ., Fernández, E. ., & Méndez Martínez, G. . (2022). Land cover changes in the NW spanish coastal zone: Drivers and impact on ecosystem services. Estudios Geográficos, 83(292), e100.


