Neighborhood effect in Bilbao: recent empirical evidence




socio-economic disparities, socio-economic indicators, multiple factorial analysis, neighborhood effect, Bilbao


The objective of this work is to explore the possible existence of the “neighborhood effect” in the city of Bilbao. To do this, based on municipal statistics and using Multiple Factor Analysis as support, we carried out a characterization of the neighborhoods of Bilbao from a multidimensional perspective. The analysis suggests that in some of the most segregated areas of the city some of the mechanisms through which the “neighborhood effect” operates are observed. Regarding public management, neighborhood-based governance approaches recognizing the neighborhood as the main area of action seem to be the most appropriate response to advance in reducing segregation and improving the quality of life of residents.


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How to Cite

Aguado-Moralejo, I. ., Echebarria, C. ., & Barrutia, J. M. . (2022). Neighborhood effect in Bilbao: recent empirical evidence. Estudios Geográficos, 83(292), e093.


