Transiciones necesarias hacia entornos metropolitanos resilientes a través de la biorregión



territorial risks, patrimonial system, metabolic equilibrium, environmental justice, urban-regional planning, resilience


Climate change as well as the loss of ecosystems and biodiversity are among the main consequences of the socio-ecological imbalance that has been occurring in the Anthropocene. Its harmful influences are evident at the global level, among others, in the loss of ecosystem services and in the deterioration of human health. Faced with a dramatic scenario that threatens many of the metropolises that were previously perceived as safe spaces with little vulnerability, a paradigm shift in territorial planning based on resilient strategies is advocated.

Based on the concept of bioregion, we are committed to the development of comprehensive proposals that foster the creation of a space of vital security in which the systems established in the metropolises can stimulate a necessary eco-social transition. Through the standardized proposal of bioregional areas, resilience principles based on social welfare, environmental justice, metabolic balance, and regeneration of their heritage system must prevail.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Fuentes, D., Mascort-Albea, E. J., & Salazar-Galán, S. (2023). Transiciones necesarias hacia entornos metropolitanos resilientes a través de la biorregión. Estudios Geográficos, 84(294), e132. Retrieved from


