Romanian immigrants in the domestic service and of elderly care of the Community of Madrid: Qualitative study


  • Silvia Marcu Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía, CCHS, CSIC



sector of irregular work, foreigners women, aging


The article analyzes the work of the women Rumanian immigrants, like irregular workers in the domestic service of the Community of Madrid, (CAM) insisting on the care of elderly. It ties two very present tendencies in the Spanish society of beginnings of the 21st century: on the one hand, the marked aging of the population and on the other side, immigration, foreign manpower needed in the domestic sector and taken care of people majors. It jointly analyzes the context of the immigration of the Rumanian woman considering his departure situation and professional trajectory; it is investigated in the labour situation and the valuation that the immigrants in relation to the work carried out in the Spanish addresses realise; finally it is taken care of the perspective of future of this sector in the market of Spanish work.


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How to Cite

Marcu, S. (2009). Romanian immigrants in the domestic service and of elderly care of the Community of Madrid: Qualitative study. Estudios Geográficos, 70(267), 463–489.


