Turismo urbano y políticas para su gestión en Francia y España


  • Philippe Violier Département IMIS-ESTHUA. Université d´Angers.
  • M. Antonio Zárate Martín Departamento de Geografía. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)




Political urban, tourist actors, tourist places, urban tourism, metropolitan tourism cultural tourism, mental images, tourist potential, integrated tourism


Across this article there are analysed the political ones of urban tourism inside the first two powers of the international tourism, France and Spain. In both cases, there appears the purpose that the public local actors assign to his political tourist ones and the strategies that they start, bearing in mind that the tourism of cities acquires increasing importance in a few societies increasingly urbanised and that the worry for the political urban tourist ones is a relatively recent phenomenon. The tourism reinforces his role as engine of local development, of functional change and of social interaction. From the 90s, the intensification of the economic changes, the affirmation of the urban power in the frame of the decentralisation of the State and the transformation of the culture in phenomenon of masses stimulate the urban tourism. Today, all the cities attack political tourist and the tourism is one of the principal worries of the persons in charge of the local management


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How to Cite

Violier, P., & Zárate Martín, M. A. (2007). Turismo urbano y políticas para su gestión en Francia y España. Estudios Geográficos, 68(262), 321–347. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeogr.2007.i262.15


