The diversity of productive reconstruction models in located spaces. Study of the Spanish case of Castilla-La Mancha


  • Ana Melero Guilló Instituto de Economía y Geografía (CSIC)
  • Ascensión Calatrava Andrés Instituto de Economía y Geografía (CSIC)



Productive reconstruction, rural industrialization, industrial location, development Models


This article tries to propose a tipology of models of productive reconstruction that have been developed in located spaces of specific and differentiated concrete characteristics. To this end, first it analyzes the tendencies indicated, in general, by various theories about what is understood by rural reconstruction applied to the productive sector and it exposes diverse observed situations. Then, it indicates the necessity to replace the rural/urban dialectic by the local one, and the convenience of considering the different local rural communities like development units. With this premise, it indicates that it is not possible to consider the rural space like a homogenous whole since the type of productive reconstruction is conditionned by the geographic, economic and social characteristics of the surroundings that favor and make reconstruction viable. Starting from this consideration, we formulate a series of hypotheses, supported by theories, which specify, for different rural areas, the characteristics that contribute to generate differentiated industrialization models. The hypotheses, which are tested for the case of Castilla- La Mancha (Spain), are supported by an analysis of the international bibliography concerning this matter and proved with data obtained in field-work and in in-depth interviews made to industralists, social agents and state, autonomic and municipal authorities in located rural spaces.


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How to Cite

Melero Guilló, A., & Calatrava Andrés, A. (2005). The diversity of productive reconstruction models in located spaces. Study of the Spanish case of Castilla-La Mancha. Estudios Geográficos, 66(258), 187–231.


