The Spatial Planning Models in Europe: France, Germany and United Kingdom


  • Eguzki Urteaga Departamento de Sociología 1, Universidad del País Vasco



land management, models, Europe, France, Germany, United Kingdom


In the European Union, the public administrations manage the territory to face to the consequences of reduction of the cost of transport and of the urban development, to favor the territorial and social cohesion. The decision made by the States and the local administrations concern the construction of infrastructures, the politics of housing and the provision of services. In this aspect, the levels in which the decisions are made have a special importance. Likewise, the specificities of the national histories, political-administrative organization and political cultures affect in the elaborated and later implemented policies of land management by the members states, though the consolidation of the European construction favors the convergence of the national models.


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How to Cite

Urteaga, E. (2011). The Spatial Planning Models in Europe: France, Germany and United Kingdom. Estudios Geográficos, 72(270), 263–289.


