Old cartography or historical cartography?


  • Antonio Crespo Sanz Instituto de Historia Simancas, Universidad de Valladolid
  • Alberto Fernández Wyttenbach Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




History of cartography, Geography, Terminology, Internet, Map library


The terms related to the History of Cartography need to be revised in the light of the confusion and ambiguities that have been brought about. Many map publications or catalogues use the term historical cartography to characterize their content, although the name old cartography should be used instead; and literal translation of some expressions taken from other languages yields unsuccessful results. The new technologies have lead to a singular development and dissemination of Cartography, its thrust also bearing upon old cartography. The main archives and libraries publish their collections with high resolution and their documents may be analyzed with more manageable and friendly tools, but there are not many theoretical studies about their nature or aims and there are no proposals to reformulate the basic definitions linked to the History of Cartography either. Along these lines we intend to analyze and reflect upon the vocabulary pertaining to this discipline, thus easing the task of those addressing themselves to old maps.


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How to Cite

Crespo Sanz, A., & Fernández Wyttenbach, A. (2011). Old cartography or historical cartography?. Estudios Geográficos, 72(271), 403–420. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.201115


