Perspectives and trends of sun and beach tourism in Morocco. The case of Tangiers-Tetouan región


  • José Antonio López Sánchez Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad de Cádiz
  • Manuel Arcila Garrido Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Cádiz
  • Adolfo Chica Ruiz Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Cádiz



sun and beach tourism, tourism management, coast, morocco, Tangier-Tetouan Region


The aim pursued in this paper is to analyze the tourism activity of the region Tangier- Tetouan in Morocco. In addition to the study of the main available variables statistics for the region, a fieldwork has been carried out in the framework of an extensive research project on sustainable tourism, called Ibn Battouta. The values of the region have been compared with the values of other nearby areas in the Strait of Gibraltar. As a result of the analysis performed, the tourist potential of the region has been confirmed, including the sun and beach tourism. The current global situation has raised a number of questions and queries about the tendency of this activity in Morocco. Moroccan government has clearly opted for schemes —such as the called Plan Azur— for the sector. The development of the tourism activity should also be accompanied by improving environmental parameters that have been affected by some of the actions taken in the coast of Tangier-Tetouan Region.


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How to Cite

López Sánchez, J. A., Arcila Garrido, M., & Chica Ruiz, A. (2012). Perspectives and trends of sun and beach tourism in Morocco. The case of Tangiers-Tetouan región. Estudios Geográficos, 73(272), 91–123.


