The Andean Páramo: geographic characterization and state of their environment. An interdisciplinary contribution
páramo, Andes, Latin America, water management, tropical ecosystemsAbstract
The most important characteristics of the Andean páramo are presented, an ecosystem of social and territorial interest, little known among Spaniard geographers. The synthesis developed constitutes a state of the art, updated and contrasted of the main appearances that define and characterise this space. The adopted approach has a systemic character and focuses in environmental questions, for being those ones who better embraces the páramo’s current complexity. After summarizing the geographical setting of the Andean páramo, we review the subjects that better describe its social profit, which includes hydrological uses, land cover and land use activities carried by locals. The main purpose of this article is to let know to the Iberian geographers a subject of great actuality among Latin American geographers.
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