Soils of Casapalma (Guadalhorce Valley, Málaga). Edaphogeographical analysis applied to the land management


  • Jesús Rodrigo Comino Universidad de Málaga
  • Emilio Ferre Bueno Universidad de Málaga
  • José María Senciales Universidad de Málaga



Edaphogeography, land management, GIS, diagnostics units, geomorphoedaphical units


The present work shows a study about soils, which are located in a Mediterranean traditional agricultural area (Guadalhorce Valley in Málaga, Spain) from an edaphogeographical point of view. The soil geography pretends to analyze the causes of the distribution of the kinds of soils along the environment and their relationships with humans. For this purpose, a combined methodology of ITC (Faculty of Geo-Informa tion Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, The Netherland) with approaches to the Geomorphology (geomorphological diagnostics units) and the pedological carto - graphy of LUCDEME project have been used. After rescaling and homogenizing this information, a geomorphoedaphological unit map was elaborated. The most predominant pedological associations were classified as: Calcic Fluvisol with Calcaric Cambisol and Haplic Calcisol with Haplic Vertisol . For all the obtained pedological associations, there were any physical and chemical laboratory analyses; therefore properties from peripheral soil profiles were extrapolated. Through the final ma - ppings about pH, organic matter, texture and C/N were noted that these extrapolations are not recommendable for the land management.


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How to Cite

Rodrigo Comino, J., Ferre Bueno, E., & Senciales, J. M. (2016). Soils of Casapalma (Guadalhorce Valley, Málaga). Edaphogeographical analysis applied to the land management. Estudios Geográficos, 77(280), 275–310.


