The xerochoric index: a geographical indicator of rainfall drought (Spain and Poland)


  • Juan José Sanz Donaire Cátedra de Geografía Física. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



drought, index, Spain, Poland


Opposite to some drought indices, a new proposal for a spatial index is made according to the area that suffers drought. Although median values may change from one state to another, they show a clear skewness towards xerochoric conditions. In peninsular Spain light droughts arise until the territory is dry up to 69%, moderate droughts up to 84%, severe droughts up to 92% and extreme drought up to 100%. In Poland values are quite similar, so that this method may de considered of continental validity. At the end a classification of months into 7 groups (called “septosects”) is made, which results in almost the same as cumulative percentage deviations elsewhere.


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How to Cite

Sanz Donaire, J. J. (2007). The xerochoric index: a geographical indicator of rainfall drought (Spain and Poland). Estudios Geográficos, 68(263), 679–708.


