Simulation of urban growth in the metropolitan area Tepic-Xalisco, Mexico




Urban growth, Geographical Information Systems, Logistic Regression, CA-Markov, Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Tepic (México)


The metropolitan area of Tepic-Xalisco (Nayarit, Mexico) has been experienced a fast growth in the last 30 years, generating situations that put the population and the environment at risk, being urgent and necessary to establish new approaches on strategies of urban planning. Understanding the processes of urban growth and simulating possible scenarios have proven to be an essential tool for decision making in the context of spatial planning. The objective of this project was simulating the urban growth the metropolitan area Tepic-Xalisco at the year 2045 horizon. Three different models were used: Multi-Criteria Evaluation Techniques (MCE), Logistic Regression (LR) and Cellular Automata with Markov chains (CA-Markov) to verify the one that better fits the spatial reality and establish a trend situation future. The results were validated with the actual data of urban occupation of 2015. The CA-Markov model showed the best results produced an overall accuracy of 75% and close coincidences in landscape metrics, so this model was used to generate a trend-based scenario of urban growth to the year 2045. The resulting information will be used to generate alternative scenarios that will help to design and evaluate sustainable urban development oriented urban planning strategies.


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How to Cite

Avalos Jiménez, A., Gómez Delgado, M., Aguilera Benavente, F., & Flores Vilchez, F. (2019). Simulation of urban growth in the metropolitan area Tepic-Xalisco, Mexico. Estudios Geográficos, 80(287), e021.


