Ports and cruises in islands of north mid-atlantic (Caribbean and Macaronesia)





Cruise tourism, Cruise ports, Caribbean, Macaronesia


This work makes an approximation of cruise tourism in the North Mid-Atlantic. In the work we study the characteris­tics of the ports, routes and destinations of the Caribbean and Macaronesia, establishing a comparative and individual analysis of each area. This paper analyses the number of cruises, their frequency, seasonality, duration, the main routes, the most visited resources and the characteristics of the ports, from which a typological proposal is carried out. Some similarities have been ob­served between both spaces, but above all, there are differences, both quantitative and qualitative. We are witnessing a transfor­mation of the cruise tourism model that is the result of the growth of this segment, which is giving rise to new ways of using the territory and its resources. Ports are being transformed quickly due to infrastructure investments, but their location is less and less decisive in the design of routes.


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How to Cite

González Morales, A., & Ramón Ojeda, A. A. (2020). Ports and cruises in islands of north mid-atlantic (Caribbean and Macaronesia). Estudios Geográficos, 81(288), e039. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.202054.044


