Riverside poplar plantations. Analysis from a historical and hydraulic perspective of the banks of the river Carrión





Forest resources, forestry crops, poplar, hydraulic public domain, hydrological planning, riverbanks


Poplar plantations on the banks of Spanish rivers are in question. The Duero Hydrological Confederation has prohibited the establishment of poplar groves on the banks of the rivers in the Duero Basin, because they are located in what the Water Law considers a watercourse and public hydraulic domain. This situation implies that most of the current poplar crops on the river banks, such as those of the Carrión River, in Palencia Province, should not exist, and new plantation of poplar trees should not be promoted. This circumstance very negatively affects several towns that get significant economic resources from the traditional use of these productive forest crops. In this article, we try to demonstrate by means of historical evidence, based on aerial photography, documents and scientific and ancient references, that poplar crops, in addition to their productive function, have an important effect on: recovering old degraded riverbanks, setting the unstable riverbeds, improving hydraulic flow conditions for flood control, protecting banks against erosion, and regenerating the riparian and fluvial ecosystem that, from ancient time until the begining of the 20th century, were destroyed by human overexploitation.


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How to Cite

Navarro Hevia, J. ., & Mongil Manso, J. . (2022). Riverside poplar plantations. Analysis from a historical and hydraulic perspective of the banks of the river Carrión. Estudios Geográficos, 83(293), e118. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.2022124.124


