A geographical approach to the impacts of the touristification of nightlife in the Lisbon neighbourhood of Cais do Sodré





nightlife, urban tourism, touristification, cultural heritage, Lisbon


Over the last two decades, the expansion of the tourism-oriented nighttime leisure economy in a significant number of European cities can be simultaneously seen as both a result and a cause of the rapid and intense touristification of their central urban areas. In turn, what could be termed as the touristification of ‘the night’ has undoubtedly entailed the emergence of numerous significant negative spatial, social, economic, cultural, environmental, public health impacts, including the loss of local historical-architectural and/or cultural heritage. This article analyses how the touristification of ‘the night’ in the former harbour neighoborhood of Cais do Sodré, in Lisbon city centre, has triggered both a profound spatial transformation of the study area and a material, symbolic and heritage dispossession of the local community. The results shown in this article have been generated from observational fieldwork carried out between 2015 and 2019. The article ends up by remarking the urgent need in fostering the design and implementation of new public policies in the economic, cultural and urban governance spheres that include the cataloguing and protection of the most representative tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the nocturnal city.


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How to Cite

Nofre, J., Martins, J. C., Garcia-Ruiz, M., & Teixeira Costa, G. (2023). A geographical approach to the impacts of the touristification of nightlife in the Lisbon neighbourhood of Cais do Sodré. Estudios Geográficos, 84(294), e129. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.2023135.135




Funding data

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Grant numbers CEECIND/01171/2017;SFRH/BD/121842/2016