La Vila do Castelo (Guimarães): perspectivas de un espacio desaparecido




urbanism, historical cadastres, cartography, GIS, historical geography, digital humanities


Guimarães Castle is one of the most important Portuguese identity symbols, having been classified, on March 19, 1881, as a 1st class historical monument. During the 19th century, several attempts were made by the City Hall to protect the monument from the degradation of time and to intervene in the surrounding area, enabling its enjoyment by the population.

As part of the Centennial Celebrations of the Foundation and Restoration of Portugal (1940), the Portuguese State undertook to restore the monumental complex. In this project it proceeded to the expropriation and demolition of the buildings of a series of streets, about which today there is no memory.

Starting from the linkage of cartography prior to the demolition with geohistorical sources and serial historical sources, such as property tax records and lists of inhabitants, we seek to recover the image of a space of the city of Guimarães, which, in the early twentieth century, was the object of a profound urbanistic transformation.


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Casas para os pobres. Comércio de Guimarães, n.º 4104, de 20/09/1927, p. 1.

Censo da População de Portugal - Dezembro de 1930. 1933. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.

Fernandes, I. M. (2020). Igreja de S. Miguel do Castelo. Guimarães, Portugal: Associação de Amigos do Paço dos Duques de Bragança e do Castelo de Guimarães.

Ferreira, M. da C. F. 2010. Guimarães “duas vilas um só povo”. Estudo de história urbana (1250-1389). Braga, Portugal: CITCEM - UM.

Leeuwen, M. van, Maas, I. y Miles, A. (2002). HISCO: Historical international standard classification of occupations. Leuven, Bélgica: Leuven University Press.

Meireles, M. J. M. de Q. 2021. O Património urbano de Guimarães nos séculos XIX-XX. Guimarães, Portugal: Casa da Memória e Muralha.

O Castelo de Guimarães. 1937. Lisboa, Portugal: Ministério das Obras Públicas.

Por Guimarães. Pelos pobres. Comércio de Guimarães, n.º 4027, de 23/11/1926, p.1.

Teixeira, F. J. (2001). O Castelo e as Muralhas de Guimarães (apontamento para a sua história). Guimarães, Portugal: Editora Cidade Berço.



How to Cite

Ferreira, A., & Salgado, F. (2023). La Vila do Castelo (Guimarães): perspectivas de un espacio desaparecido. Estudios Geográficos, 84(295), e145.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2019-106735GB-C21