The factory tours, another way of tourism


  • M. Antonio Zárate Martín Departamento de Geografía. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED



Cultural tourism, active tourism, way of life, demand, local development, company, employment, sales, know-how


The rising of free time and the distribution of the vacations throughout the year do the «rest» does not have to coincide with «inactivity» or with «tourism of the Sun and beach». Simultaneously, the cultural activities occupy a place emphasized in the motivations of the displacements and in the employment of the free time. In this context, the «factory tours» appears as a new modality related to the cultural tourism and the «tourism of way of life». The «factory tours» is a form of «active tourism» where to the observation of the manners of production of our days, are added the communication and the interchange of ideas, the contrast of experiences and the introduction of new services. Besides, the «factory tours» is a revitalizing agent of the employment and of local development. The businessmen find in this tourist modality a way to be known and increase its sales.


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How to Cite

Zárate Martín, M. A. (2011). The factory tours, another way of tourism. Estudios Geográficos, 72(270), 291–321.


