Measurement of diversity of commercial retail in urban areas through use of Shannon- Weaver and Ullman and Dacey indexes


  • Antonio Aguilera Ontiveros El Colegio de San Luis, A.C. Programa de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales
  • Mayra Angélica Bárcenas Castro El Colegio de San Luis, A.C. Programa de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales



Shannon-Weaver index, Ullman-Dacey index, diversity, retail commerce, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.


The diversity indices of Shannon-Weaver and Ullman-Dacey are used to measure retail commercial diversity of the two main centers of economic activity in the metropolitan area of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. We show how was defined the study area, the method of obtaining data using governmental databases, how we worked the data for use in the calculation of the indices. Finally, we discuss the results and made reflections on urban and economic planning for the study area.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Ontiveros, A., & Bárcenas Castro, M. A. (2014). Measurement of diversity of commercial retail in urban areas through use of Shannon- Weaver and Ullman and Dacey indexes. Estudios Geográficos, 75(277), 455–478.




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