The pristine myth and the direct land use pattern in the region of Magellan’s, Chilean Patagonia: forestry, mining and aquaculture


  • Luis Inostroza Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technische Universität Dresden - Universidad Autónoma de Chile



Patagonia pristine, land use/cover, forest use, mining, aquaculuture, GIS


The current classification methods of land use in remote regions have two serious limitations. The first is the conceptual mixture between land uses and covers, which does not reflect the actual direct use of land. A second limitation is the absence of important uses such as tourism, aquaculture and mining, which impose significant pressures on fragile territories. This paper presents a land use classification method developed specifically for the region of Magellan in the extreme south of Chile. It is a land use classification wide and conceptually clear, which allows an effective determination of the range of land exploitations in Patagonia, determining which areas are used and which remain unused. The method is based entirely on a GIS and is a key input for improving land management. The analysis shows a high percentage of direct use, contrary to the existing pristine perception, which imposes significant challenges for current land management strategies.


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How to Cite

Inostroza, L. (2015). The pristine myth and the direct land use pattern in the region of Magellan’s, Chilean Patagonia: forestry, mining and aquaculture. Estudios Geográficos, 76(278), 141–175.


