Cartographic Language in Thematic Maps


  • Joan Carles Membrado Universitat de València, Departamento de Geografía



Thematic map, cartography, visual variables


This paper analyzes the effectiveness of maps as transmitters of information. To this end, some basic concepts concerning the properties of cartographic language are examined, with the aim of helping the reader design maps conveying geographic information as clearly as possible. It also describes the innate taste of geographers for maps –how these attract and stimulate them. Then it deals with the emergence of the Internet and the new technologies allowing massive map visualization, downloading and production. The paper is illustrated with ten thematic maps, in which visual variables (i.e. size, shape, value, color, orientation and texture) are combined with the different marks (points, lines, areas) used by mapmakers to represent data.


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How to Cite

Membrado, J. C. (2015). Cartographic Language in Thematic Maps. Estudios Geográficos, 76(278), 177–201.


