Classification and analysis of urban form change in Spanish metropolitan areas through spatial metrics




Spanish Metropolitan Areas, Spatial metrics, classification, urban growth processes


Many studies have addressed the delimitation and classification of metropolitan areas (MAs) above the world, some of them focused on the Spanish MAs. However, there is still lack of studies addressing MAs classification through the analysis of the spatial patterns of the urban landcover. This study presents an analysis and classification of the spatial patterns for 46 MAs Spain using spatial metrics, PCA, and cluster analysis in 1990, 2000 and 2006. Finally, changes in groups identified allowed the inference of spatial patterns change processes. The authors believe this analysis may be useful for the metropolitan planning process.


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How to Cite

Pascual Rosa, V., Aguilera-Benavente, F., & Salado García, M. J. (2019). Classification and analysis of urban form change in Spanish metropolitan areas through spatial metrics. Estudios Geográficos, 80(286), e006.


