Polarization of the functional structure of capital cities of provinces and autonomies in Spain: 1981-2011


  • Severino Escolano Utrilla Universidad de Zaragoza




specialization, concentration, innovation, capital, Spain


Some fundamental trends of the recent reorganization of economic activities in Spain are defined by the growing concentration in certain urban areas of certain economic activities, especially those related to the creation, management and use of innovation and knowledge, and selective decentralization of others. The main hypothesis of this work assumes that capital of autonomy is a factor that exerts some influence on the structure of economic activities in a city. In this paper we study the scope of this thesis referred to municipalities and provincial capitals of autonomy between 1981 and 2011. The study conducted helps verify the trend towards concentration of capital in certain activities of the knowledge economy. The good connectivity of cities or the proximity to large urban areas are attractive forces; the capital of autonomy has a limited influence on intermediate sized nuclei located in dynamic regional contexts.


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How to Cite

Escolano Utrilla, S. (2014). Polarization of the functional structure of capital cities of provinces and autonomies in Spain: 1981-2011. Estudios Geográficos, 75(276), 139–175. https://doi.org/10.3989/estgeogr.201404


