Development of a methodology for the study of floods caused by ponding of rainfall water in relatively flat urban zones. Studied area: Montería (Colombia)


  • Manuel Padilla Agamez Coordinador Local de la Agencia Nacional para la Superación de la Pobreza Extrema - ANSPE Tierralta
  • Leonardo Gónima Departamento de Física y Electrónica, Universidad de Córdoba



rainfall, soil units, infiltration, flood, susceptibility, vulnerability


In this paper a methodology for the analysis of the relationship between rainfall and flooding caused by ponding of rainfall water in urban area of Monteria (Colombia) is developed. Rainfall water excesses over the soil were estimated from field measurements of the soil infiltration capacity for different soil units of the studied zone. The results obtained are presented in form of statistical correlations for calculating water rainfall excesses over the soils and maps of susceptibility and vulnerability for floods. The maps were used for a brief socioeconomic discussion of the effects of flood events in the selected zone.


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How to Cite

Padilla Agamez, M., & Gónima, L. (2015). Development of a methodology for the study of floods caused by ponding of rainfall water in relatively flat urban zones. Studied area: Montería (Colombia). Estudios Geográficos, 76(278), 265–284.


