Degaña’s Medical Geography (1913). territory, poverty and health




geohistorical sources, medical geography, health, territory, rural doctors, medical topographies


This research delves into the comprehensive treatment of textual geohistorical sources, promoting the procedures that currently advocate the recovery, analysis and opening of scientific knowledge openly and extensively to society. Between the middle of the 18th century and the mid-20th century, more than 400 medical works (medical geographies or topographies) were produced in Spain, under the influence of the generalization of hygienist theories in urban planning and society. These editions, well studied and known, constitute collections of information and documentation that are enormously valuable for the knowledge of the spaces, urban and rural, of the time.

The information contained in Degaña’s Medical Geography, from 1913, will be used as the basis for the analysis of the information that, on a geographical scale, this documentary typology provides, establishing a methodology for the extraction of geographic information contained in the documents of early 20th century. This project seeks to optimize the use of secondary sources of knowledge about the territory, considering the variety and quantity of information that can be extracted from them. With the use of secondary sources of information, new opportunities and strategies are opened to tackle territorial problems from the wide fields of historical, human and regional geography.



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How to Cite

Vallina Rodríguez, A. ., Aguilar Cuesta, Ángel I. ., & García Juan, L. . (2021). Degaña’s Medical Geography (1913). territory, poverty and health. Estudios Geográficos, 82(290), e061.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2019-106735GB-C21