Error checking in the Corine Land Cover (1990-2000) data base coverage of the Community of Madrid


  • Rafael Catalá Mateo Alumno del Máster Oficial en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. Dpto. de Geografía, Universidad de Alcalá
  • Joaquín Bosque Sendra Catedrático de Geografía Humana. Dpto. de Geografía, Universidad de Alcalá
  • Wenceslao Plata Rocha Escuela Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



Corine Land, Land use, mapping, verification, validation, correction issues, data quality, Comunidad de Madrid


Knowledge of the land status through the use of mapping CORINE Land Cover is of great importance to study of interaction man-environment. The matrix of cross-tabulation is an essential tool for analyzing the spatial variation of land uses between two dates. This allows to obtain data from gross gains and losses, as well as net changes and exchanges. On the other hand, the above matrix makes possible to detect changes with incongruent explanation, which differ from what we call the normal dynamics of the study area. Through a simple methodology applied to the Community of Madrid, and using a the software raster Idrisi Andes, the sites affected by these incongruent changes are analysed. After a verification process through the use of orthophotos, aerial photographs, field work, etc, was found that 68% of incongruent changes had thematic errors in the allocation of classes cover in the mapping used.


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How to Cite

Catalá Mateo, R., Bosque Sendra, J., & Plata Rocha, W. (2008). Error checking in the Corine Land Cover (1990-2000) data base coverage of the Community of Madrid. Estudios Geográficos, 69(264), 81–104.




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